Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Iowa Democratic Party exposes Pawlenty's record on taxes

At the Minnesota State Capital, Republican legislative leaders and Governor Dayton are meeting daily to find a compromise between their respective budgets. (Governor Dayton has compromised a few times since his original budget proposal to avert a shutdown; Minnesota Republicans have been less willing to do so.)

Governor Dayton proposes a balanced approach between cuts and new revenue, which includes raising income taxes on the wealthiest 2% of Minnesotans. Republicans have stuck to their all-cuts approach, which the Minnesota Department of Revenue says will cause a rise in property taxes by $859 million statewide over three years

These are the same tactics used by former Minnesota governor, and current presidential hopeful, Tim Pawlenty, whose "no new taxes" plan raised property taxes across the state by $2.5 billion over the course of his two terms. These property taxes shifted the burden of new revenue for the state from high-income earners to middle-class Minnesotans.

The Iowa Democratic Party exposes this unfair-tax shift in a new video which features Minnesotans whose property taxes increased every year under Pawlenty. Watch the short video below:

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