Thursday, April 5, 2012

Hold Rep. Chip Cravaack accountable for his shameful vote against women.

Rep. Chip Cravaack has voted for shameful bills to redefine rape, defund Planned Parenthood, and to let women die. But you would think, in spite of his appalling record in the radical right's war on women, that he might have some concern for domestic violence survivors. Think again.

Just last week, Rep. Cravaack joined with the Tea Party majority in Congress and voted against considering renewal of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), an incredibly popular, successful, and (until now) bipartisan bill that has reduced domestic violence rates by 58% since it was first passed in 1994.

What was more important to Rep. Cravaack than funding programs to help the one in four American women who will suffer domestic violence in their lifetime? Ending Medicare as we know it.

That's right. Rep. Cravaack and Congressional Republicans voted against considering reauthorization of VAWA and instead proceeded to vote for the Ryan Budget, providing massive tax breaks for corporations and the rich at the expense of women, children, seniors and the poor.

Just a few years ago, this was not a controversial bill. In fact the last time the program was reauthorized it passed nearly unanimously through both the House and the Senate. But the political climate in Washington DC is much different now than it was just a few years ago with extremists like Rep. Cravaack voting with the Tea Party instead of his constituents on key bills like the Violence Against Women Act

At moments like this, we must raise our voices as constituents and hold our elected representatives accountable for their shameful votes.

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